Hacking your startup before it hacks you!


Are you aware of your riskiest hypotheses? What to do with them? How to deal with that?

Lets open the discussion peer-to-peer. A brief introduction of the group and the Lean Startup Method will be the start of the meetup. After that, entrepreneurs (YOU) are invited to present their projects, startups or early ideas in a 5-minutes pitch addressing the problem, the solution and the hypothetic business model.

Right after, the entrepreneur can ask something to the audience: a query, a challenge, a business hypotheses… anything that it would be worthy to discuss and will help him/her to go forward.

The audience can give answers, solutions and feedback. All in a positive and respectful way. We are all here to learn from others.

Beers and more

We always have beers from the sponsor, Moritz. And we try our best to be scheduled and save some time at the end for talks, meeting people and networking.