What you shouldn't do when facing the closing of a startup


When you think about creating a startup, you always take into account the basics to launch the company and to make it grow and sustainable over time. Specifically, you define who will be part of the team, what will be the business model and how you will finance it, among other things. But ... who thinks about what would happen, if you had to close it down? Nobody foresees the end of a project when you are just incubating the idea of it, but it is important to set up alarm mechanisms that, during the course of the daily activity, allow you to visualize the future of the company for at least the next 6 months.

In our next friday at itnig, Patricia Montero will share her experience about how was the launch of a successful project, like groupalia.com, versus the close down of a sports online outlet. She will answer the questions we all should ask ourselves when starting a business project like “what reasons could cause its closure?” and “how to proceed in that case?”. Patricia will talk about the importance of thinking and planning the closure of a company in order to transform something that seems to be so dramatic in an orderly and even positive process for workers and investors. After experiencing the close down of a firm, Patricia took out very positive conclusions of what not to do in front of the cessation of a startup. Want to know more? Come to our next itnig friday.