In mobile development, as in other platforms, it's important to take care of the visual part of our own apps. Its quality is described by its functionality, but not only. Your app can make your breakfast, but it will lose a lot of virality without some visual 'magic'.
Through the Open Source movement, there are a lot of available components, which let us add the best animations for each functionallity. In iOS you can add and organize these components with CocoaPods, a library management tool that mimics rubygems to make our life easier.
As you can see, this itnig friday is a tech one!
Arol Viñolas, mobile developer and co-founder of lafosca, will teach us how to contribute to this open source community by creating our own custom transition and adding it to CocoaPods. Specifically, we will take a look at views navigation, transitions with Core Animation and creation of a PodSpec.
This is definitely going to be a great tech friday with lafosca. Don’t miss it!