Data Tuesday Barcelona: Launch Meeting!


You are invited to join us at the first Data Tuesday Barcelona, an internationally distributed monthly event that serve as a rallying point for all players in the extended “Data” ecosystem.

Each Data Tuesday brings together 4 to 10 startups, companies and organizations that will “pitch” their activities during a very short presentation. After that, you will also have the opportunity to bring specific data related announcements to the attention of the community. And finally, we will enjoy the networking time with freeMoritz Barcelona beer for everyone!

The already confirmed presentations for this first Data Tuesday Barcelona are:

  • Building a successful startup on Data.
  • Playfulbet and Big Data : Needs and necessary Resources
  • Using Redis for fun and profit
    • By Coeurderoy from RUC.
  • Data Journalism para cultura y la cultura del Data Journalism.
  • Big Data Analysis giving it an R.

Do you want to participate in upcoming sessions? Click here to join the list!

Click here to find all the relevant info about the Data Tuesday Barcelona!

Data Tuesday Barcelona
is organized by the Data Tuesday International Organization organization with itnig’s colaboration. The Data Tuesday events started in Paris under the impulsion of three innovative Startups leaders in Open Data, Big Data and Data Visualisation: Data Publica, Captain Dash and MFG Labs.