This short course is an introduction to R for people with interests in statistics, data analysis, machine learning, visualization... and, of course, programming.
R is a free source software with a large history. Its previous version, called S, was started near the 70s and R itself was started at the beggining of the 90s. It was mainly designed for statistics, but it has currently expanded to many other related areas (see:
Nowadays R is one of the preferred tools, if not the first one, for data analysis and it’s becoming very popular within the data analysis community. It can be seen as central tool to compute the whole process of data analysis: getting data from file / data base, perform statistical analysis, visualize data and report automatically.
The 2 main objectives of this course are the following:
No previous knowledge is required (not even statistics). However, previous programming experience is a plus.
To attend the workshop, please fill in this form.
Last day for registration is Sunday March 2nd.
The course will be done only if a minimum participants sign up. In case it is cancelled, you will recieve an email by March 2nd.