Hands-On Prototyping Without Code


Ideas need to be tangible, easy for people to “get it” in a simple way. This is easy for people who know to code. What about for those who don’t? Here comes prototyping, which means capturing an idea and making it concrete from the abstract of your mind… without coding!

In this talk, Andree Huk {product, UX & growth hacker expert} will teach us how to do it, prototyping without code, using the following tools:

  • Flinto for iPhone, iPad and Android Prototyping
  • PDF prototyping
  • InVision – Free Web & Mobile Mockup and UI Prototyping Tool
  • Keynote (much more than a presentation software, did you know that?)

After attending this talk you will be able to prototype software, app ideas or anything you have in mind! Join us and learn to make your ideas tangible!