Startup Bang Bang Program - itnig edition


Goal of the Startup Bang Bang Program

> To give you the essential tools to reduce risks and achieve faster market validation.

> Startups fail for lack of resources or investment before demonstrating the validity of their idea. Some reasons include not knowing how to validate the idea, not finding enough customers, lack of drive, inability to reduce customer acquisition costs or lack of key metrics.

> Startup Bang Bang is an intensive program that combines business tools and techniques that will help you validate your ideas, accelerate your startup and reduce risk systematically.


  • 15 hours: 3 sessions of 5h each
  • Track between sessions (total estimated commitment of 10h)
  • 1 individual session (1.5 h)
  • Monitoring group after the course if desired

20% theory, 80% practice: Business Model Canvas, Customer Development, The Mom Test, interview question & solution, early evangelist, customer segmentation, minimum viable product, Pirates Metrics, growth drivers, design of experiments, Lean Startup.


  • Friday July, 11 from 9am to 2pm
  • Friday July, 18 from 9am to 2pm
  • Friday July, 25 Friday from 9am to 2pm

A commitment to attend all the sessions is required.


Early bird ticket
3 people team = 290 € / person
2 people team = 340 € / person
1 solo founder = 450 €

Regular ticket
3 people team= 352 € / person
2 people team= 400 € / person
1 solo founder = 550 €

Apply now to enter the selection process!

Deadline to applying: July 8!


Session 1 > Does anyone care about your solution?
To talk to potential customers from day one is key to understand the problem you want to solve and the solution that your customers will be willing to pay.


  • Introduction to the program
    Customer development method : the four phases of a new business
    Uncertainty, risk and technical debt.
    Introduction to the Lean Startup methodology
  • Customer Discovery
    Step 1 : Customer discovery
    One-week Plan > Problem - solution - customer - Post it up
    Interview Preparation Problem - Technical
  • Conclusions and custom tasks

Session 2 > Are you building a competitive and sustainable business model?
The business model canvas is the key tool for prototyping business ideas and make decisions about strategy more easily.


  • Group Learning
    Gathering lessons from the previous week
  • Customer
    Customer Slicing Technique
  • Design and prototype business model
    What is a business model - presentation canvas
    Design a business model. Using the Business Model Canvas. Big picture design
    Business Model Slicing Technique & prototyping
  • Conclusions and custom tasks

Session 3 > Are you making the best decisions?
Build experiments , run reports and measure results to make decisions based on data rather than on intuition.


  • Group Learning
    Gathering lessons from the previous week.
  • Metrics
    Metrics associated with the business model> AARRR, Pirate Metrics and growth engines: Acquisition , Activation, Retention.
  • Lean Startup
    The Lean Startup Method
    How to build experiments (MVP concept)Other techniques: CRO (conversion rate optimization) and Growth Hacking.
  • Conclusions and closing