Creating a Product Backlog from Scratch


For our 1st Barcelona Product Management Meetup we have invited Fred Figueiredo, Agile Product owner at Hotel Ninjas. His recent story and intro for his talk:

“I recently joined an established company with an existing product, customers, team members, and a well-defined growth plan to deliver a large-scale version of the product in 4 months.

Although there was a clear vision on what to build, the actual knowledge was spread across different documents, excel files, notes, and team members.

There was no common understanding or, in other words, no product backlog to guide the team to a successful delivery."

In this meetup, Fred will overview specific techniques that you can adapt to your own needs to populate, estimate and prioritize a backlog for a large-scale product.

He will not explain the theory behind creating backlogs. Instead, Fred will take a close look into a real-case scenario where known and existing techniques were adapted and merged together to build a backlog for a large-scale product in less than a week.

This talk is very promising! Don't miss it!