Introduction to Building Blocks for FireFoxOS by Arnau March (Telefónica I+D)


Twitter bootstrap was a huge evolution in Front-End development, but do you really need all those styles? Speed up your site creating your own framework.

Arnau March from FireFoxOS and Telefonica I+D, will present us how to extend bootstrap to build simple, unified components for fast Front-End layouts. That can be used either on your site or for a web based OS. Take a look at:


19:00 - Arrive at Itnig and meet other members
19:15 - Group news and intro
19:30 - Main talk
20:00 - Q&A and discussion of topics
20:15 - Networking, pizza and beers

About the speaker:

Arnau March (Telefónica I+D)
Arnau March is a “design loper”. He has ben working in Telefónica for the last 6 years as UX engineer. That means he is more focused in building pixel perfect layouts than coding its functionality. Most of his work for Telefónica has been building pattern libraries for projects like M2M or Firefox OS, where he created the site to document how to code applications using the native look and feel of the OS.