We are happy to announce our next meetup, with two exciting presentations about blockchain tech applied to the social and digital identity and the nation-state model.
Blockchain technology allowed for the first time in history to have a global consensus over the state of data, Bitcoin being its first application, a decentralized medium of financial exchange. The implications of this technology go far beyond money. Some projects are aiming to decentralize identity, giving the control over data back to the people.
With this piece of the puzzle in place, all sorts of decentralized applications can emerge, including substitutes of social media, governance systems or even the nation-state itself.
As always, we have more questions than answers in this matter. We want to ask our speakers and debate about questions like:
What is a digital identity? Why does it need to be decentralized? What can we do with it? How can blockchain tech improve our organizational models? Why are transparency and trustless third-parties so important in the organizational models of the future?
Welcoming to the Barcelona Bitcoin Community and introduction to the topic by Xavi Vives ( Blog - Twitter )
Ryan Shea from https://blockstack.org ( Linkedin - Twitter )
Erik Vollstädt from https://bitnation.co (Linkedin - Twitter)
20.30 - Open debate and Q&A with the speakers
21.00 - Beers, more discussion and networking at the "El primer cafè" bar </a></p> Xavi Vives is a maker and a coder, exploring a system-independent lifestyle.
February 27, 2017. 19h Language (talk and Q&A): English
Ryan Shea is the co-Founder of Blockstack Labs, a project dedicated to build a new decentralized internet, one that remains open, neutral, and free. It is also a set of tools to create server-less applications, decentralized DNS and identities.
Erik Vollstädt is a Bitnation lead Ambassador since 2015. Bitnation is the world's first operational Decentralized Borderless Voluntary Nation, a <a href="https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Blockchain_(database)">Blockchain</a> Powered Jurisdiction.
Place: Itnig - Alava str. 61 (5th floor) - 08005 Barcelona
As always, entrance is free provided you have RSVPed.