For this exceptional meetup we are changing the place and are meeting at Typeform's office in Bac de Roda. We'll welcome Jeremias and Javier talking about the use of web components and ReasonML for JavaScript developers respectively.
Jeremias Menichelli: Why you should (and shouldn't) use web components
Jeremias has loved the web since the first time he opened a browser for the first time as a kid and wondered, could this be faster?
He has worked in different web products, from rich web animated experiences, fast loading sites and big scale applications. He enjoys sharing his learnings and ideas through articles, talks and open source contributions. Currently member of the official webpack documentation team.
Since custom elements spec was announced lots of discussions have taken place among developers and web advocates, how do they work? Do they deliver what we need to build modern web applications? Are they here to wipe out frameworks?
We are going to discover how they work and what new tricks they enable for us the developers, how lifecycle, styling, data flow, similarities with today libraries, and help you find out if you or your team should (or shouldn’t) start using them in the near future.
Javier Chávarri: Intro to ReasonML for JavaScript developers
Javier is a Software engineer, working as Tech Lead at Webflow, focussed mostly on frontend infrastructure. He's also a contributor to Ocaml language server and the Reason plugin for VSCode.
We will do a light introduction to explain what ReasonML is and explore some of its features:
- What is ReasonML and why
- Comparison to other alternatives
- High-level view of the different parts: BuckleScript, OCaml, Reason, refmt
- Language features: variants, tuples, records, pattern matching, modules
- Interop: using Reason and JavaScript in the same codebase
- ReasonReact
- Native compilation, bsb-native
- Supported IDEs