
Playfulbet is an international social gaming platform where users can have fun, compete against their friends and other players, learn about sports and win prizes, for free.  

November 2011 - Winning the first award

A first draft of the project (in that moment, without a name) was presented to the Banesto Foundation yearly contest for young entrepreneurs in Barcelona, where it is selected as one of the finalists despite being in a conceptual state, without any prototype or team. This contest was great support for the project and the business model.  

May-June 2012 - Partnership with itnig

The association with itnig starts the development of the project’s platform and therefore makes Playfulbet real. Playfulbet is founded with three partners: Pol, the entrepreneur; Ivan, the capitalist partner; and itnig as a technological partner.  

Beginning of September 2012 - Release of the first version

After three months of hard work, Playfulbet is launched. The first players were Itnig’s office workers, but it starts growing viral almost immediately.  

End of September 2012 - First 1000 users and revenue

After launching Playfulbet, the first goal was to get 1000 registers in the first month. We got them in 22 days. At the end of this month, Playfulbet also got the first revenue through affiliation.  

November 2012 - New partner and CTO

Cristian Planas, the project manager of Playfulbet at itnig, joins Playfulbet exclusively as CTO and partner.  

February 2013 - 10.000 users

Playfulbet shows its growth in getting to 10.000 registered users. In this stage, the growth is mainly driven by Facebook’s Ads and Open Graph tools.  

March 2013 - Winning the “First Tuesday” investment forum

Playfulbet won one of the most important contests for start-ups in Spain, the 6th First Tuesday. This highly prestigious investment forum chose us between more than 70 projects and then investors from all Spain selected Playfulbet as the best project presented.  

August 2018 - EXIT

Playfulbet is acquired by Exogroup and itnig exits the project.