Sustainability and Coworking: How They Impact

The increase of coworking spaces have changed our vision toward work. Coworking spaces intent to create a community in where everyone feels part of, adn therefore is motivated to grow and prosper. It is also important to mention how sustainability and coworking are related, they are linked as they boost for a positive change within the dynamic work model.

Reduced Carbon Footprint

One of the most significant ways in which coworking spaces contribute to sustainability is through the reduction of carbon footprints, by centralizing office spaces and creating shared work environments. Coworking space refers to sharing space, therefore this reduces the amount of individual offices, which means that less energy is being consumed and less resources are needed. Shared facilities such as kitchens, meeting rooms or toilettes means that energy consumption is distributed between a larger number of people. This is therefore a better solution than having private facilities, minimizing the environmental impact that appears when building and mantaining office spaces.

Resource Optimization

Resource optimization is achieved by sharing equipment between the members of the coworking space, instead of each company owning their own equipment. This reduces the overall consumption of material, which is the best method of helping the environment. By using less material fewer resources need to be extracted, processed and manufactured. Additionally, the efficient use of office supplies and amenities helps minimise waste generation. It also fosters a culture of sustainability among the coworking community.

Encouraging Sustainable Practices

Coworking spaces create a collaborative community in which evryone wants to participate, no one is left out. Itnig, as well as the other coworkings in Poblenou is very concerned about sustainability, therfore within our community we engage less plastic use, recycling and re-used packaging. We also promote greatly and invest in eco-firendly startups or small businesses who have a sustainable project. We intent that our coworkers adopt environmently friendly habits in their day-to-day life at the office so they can apply them everywhere else, and engage more people to follow a sustainable living.

Economic Benefit

Sharing is caring, and by sharing not only you feel better but also you obtain great benefits. Sharing something will always be more cost-effective, the same applies for sharing a working space. In the end you will benefit from much cheaper prices with a coworking space than if you were to rent out or buy your own working space, you also avoid the economical cost of maintainence. This money saved can be destinated to eco-projects that help the environment.

The coworking trend is continuing to expand and you can be part of it! By joining a community like this you will benefit from social and economical aspects that can help you in your working life. We have to take care of the planet we live in and must protect it. This way we can ensure a life of well being and harmony. Being Green and adopting the coworking trends is very easy at Itnig Spaces. Get to know our memberships here.

Exploring the Latest Trends in Entrepreneurship

Entrepreneurship is a dynamic and ever-evolving field, constantly shaped by emerging trends and changing market dynamics. As we venture into a new era, it is crucial for entrepreneurs to stay updated with the latest trends that are reshaping the landscape. Understand some of the exciting trends in entrepreneurship while exploring how they are influencing business strategies and opportunities.

Remote Work and Digital Trends in Entrepreneurship

Since the COVID-19 pandemic started, many people have adopted remote working as a daily routine, in addition to this there has been a substantial growth of digital entrepreneurs. More companies are applying flexible timetables and `pay by job completed´, especially those related with technology. This has engaged professionals to join coworking spaces, seeking for a community and willing to share and capture ideas fro the different members. It is always better to work surrounded by people like you than home alone. Working remotely is beneficial for you since you are continuously changing your environment and working with different types of people. As technology advances it will be more and more commun that people work digitally; in order to avoid working always alone, coworking spaces are the best solution to find your perfect fit. Itnig Spaces is a Coworking that is focused on the tech, digital and innovation industry. Find out more here.

E-commerce and Direct-to-Consumer (D2C) Models

Due to the continuous increase in the use of e-commerce, entrepreneurs are shifting the way they sell, focusing more on customers´s specific needs. This is the reason why they are embracing direct-to-consumer (D2C) models, therefore traditional retail channels are avoided and slef-owned online stores are established. Entrepreneurs can also build direct relationships with customers, and provide personalized experiences. This trend allows for greater control over branding, customer insights, and profit margins.

Sustainability Trends and Conscious Consumerism

Sustainability is the path we must follow. It has become a driving force in the consumer purchasing decisions, due to this entrepreneurs are integrating environmental and social responsibility in their business models. This enroles the production, distribution as well as packaging of the products. Organizations are playing part in this, according to Deloitte, in 2022, 75% of the organizations had increased their investment in sustainability. On the other side we as consumers are more concerned about our planet´s well being, so we must consume consciously.

Sharing Economy and Collaborative Consumption

Sharing is one of the best methods to reduce negative impact on the environment. Here, at Itnig, as well as in the other coworkings in Barcelona, are concerned about the environment and that is the reason we offer shared spaces. Within the shared space we also include shared consumption of energy, water, gas. Entrepreneurs that work with us have the intention of optimizing all the processes throughout the supply chain reducing lead times and waste.

Artificial Intelligence (AI) and Automation

The rise of AI is transforming industries and creating different opportunities for entrepreneurs. AI has many advantages that can help entrepreneurs in data analysing, customer segmenting, market research and many other internal tasks. In addition, entrepreneurs are using more and more automations in order to increase efficiency and being able to give a better customer services. The fact that efficiency is increased means that costs are reduced, therefore entrepreneurs can focus on adding-value to their product or service.

Health and Wellness Industry

This industry is growing rapidly since there is now a greater concern on physical and mental well-being, especially after the COVID-19 pandemic. Entrepreneurs are seeing this as a new opportunity and are creating projects that have the objective of improving aspects such as fitness, nutrition, healthcare or mental health. The integration of technology helps entrepreneurs analyse in what areas a person needs more help and how to treat them.

Rounding up trends and entrepreneurship

Being an entrepreneur is an exciting adventure with limitless opportunities, and remaining innovative is crucial for achieving success. Entrepreneurs can take advantage of emerging opportunities by adopting new trends in entrepreneurship. Additionally, they have the ability to generate new and creative ways to address the changing demands of the market. Adopting these trends enables entrepreneurs to not just boost business expansion but also create a beneficial influence on society and promote a sustainable future. Therefore, we should welcome the changes coming our way and begin a new entrepreneurial adventure with transformation in mind.

Coworking and Event Spaces: Unleashing Your Inner Entrepreneur

If you are tired of the same routine of working from your home office or battling for a spot in a crowded coffee shop, a coworking space is just for you! Well, today we’re diving into the exciting world of coworking spaces, entrepreneurship, and event spaces. A balance of these will help you and your business grow while taking it to a whole new level!

Coworking spaces

The greatest gathering of entrepreneurial energy. Gone are the days of boring cubicles and fluorescent lights; coworking spaces are the epitome of creativity. With this in mind, picture yourself working from an office with a great view and fun people all around.

But what’s the big deal with coworking spaces, you ask? Well, let me break it down for you. These vibrant hubs are not just places to work; they’re also communities that nurture collaboration, networking, and inspiration. Need advice on your marketing strategy? Boom! There’s a marketing expert working just a few desks away. Looking for potential partners or investors? Some of the spaces also have a team for that! The person sitting next to you might be your ticket to entrepreneurial stardom. It is a pool of talent, ideas, and endless possibilities. At Itnig Spaces we value authenticity and having a functional ecosystem. Providing support and resources to every startup so they can reach their goals is our passion! Being partners is being Itnig.

Event Spaces

Now, imagine you’ve got an amazing concept for an event that’s going to blow people’s minds. Your hosting place could be right in front of you! These versatile venues are like blank canvases waiting for your creative brushstrokes. From hosting conferences, workshops, and product launches to throwing unforgettable parties, event spaces have got your back.

Mixing Both

But here’s the real magic: combining coworking spaces with event spaces. It’s a match made in entrepreneur heaven! Imagine working on your big project during the day, surrounded by motivated souls, and then transforming the same space into an event venue. Coworking spaces normally also have an event space – which is the case at Itnig Spaces. Talk about maximizing the use of space and keeping the entrepreneurial spirit flowing all around!

The beauty of coworking and event spaces is that they’re not just spaces; they’re centers for collaboration and innovation. They encourage a sense of community and create an environment that fuels productivity. Plus, the networking opportunities are simply off the charts! Who knows, you might meet your next business partner while waiting for your turn at the ping pong table or bonding over a cup of our Specialty coffee.

So, embrace the dynamic world of coworking spaces, entrepreneurship, and event spaces. Trade in your office walls for vibrant murals, surround yourself with ambitious visionaries, and let your creative juices flow. The possibilities are endless, and success is just around the corner.

Remember, entrepreneurship is not a solo journey; it’s a rollercoaster ride best experienced with a group of like-minded individuals. So, strap in, fasten your seatbelts, and get ready to embark on an exciting adventure in the realm of coworking spaces, entrepreneurship, and event spaces. Your future awaits!

Coworking Poblenou, Barcelona: Best Spaces

Looking for a coworking in Poblenou? We have rounded up the best spaces in the neighborhood. It is a vibrant neighborhood located in the Sant Martí district of Barcelona, Spain; furthermore, Poblenou has transformed from an industrial area to a hub of creativity, technology, and innovation! This neighborhood now hosts a variety of coworking spaces, find which one suits you best…

WeWork Poblenou

It offers a modern and professional work environment for freelancers, startups, and established businesses alike. Without a doubt, WeWork provides flexible office solutions, ranging from shared desks to private offices, with access to the Internet, as well as, meeting rooms, and communal areas. WeWork Poblenou also fosters a vibrant community by organizing networking events, workshops, and social activities, creating opportunities for collaboration and connection among its members. With its convenient location, modern amenities, and bustling community, WeWork Poblenou is a sought-after workspace for professionals in Barcelona.

Aticco Poblenou

offers a stylish and inspiring work environment for individuals and businesses seeking a productive workspace. The space features modern and well-designed offices, meeting rooms, and communal areas with comfortable seating and natural lighting. Aticco Bogatell provides a range of flexible membership options, including hot desks and private offices, to cater to the diverse needs of its members. At Aticco Bogatell, you will find available amenities such as high-speed internet, printing facilities, and a fully equipped kitchen. The community is renowned for its entrepreneurial spirit, actively providing networking opportunities and fostering a supportive environment for professionals to connect and grow, additionally, with its convenient location, sleek design, and vibrant community. Aticco Bogatell is a desirable coworking space for those seeking a dynamic workspace in Barcelona.


a modern coworking space situated in the Glories neighborhood of Barcelona. It offers a contemporary and innovative workspace for individuals and businesses seeking a dynamic work environment; it also provides a range of amenities to support productivity and convenience. High-speed internet, meeting rooms, and printing facilities are readily available to meet the needs of professionals. The coworking space also offers comfortable communal areas, including lounges and kitchens, where members can network, collaborate, or take a break. One of the highlights of Utopicus Glories is its vibrant and diverse community, so the space attracts professionals from various industries, fostering an environment of collaboration, knowledge-sharing, and inspiration. Regular events, workshops, and networking sessions are organized to facilitate connections among members and to promote personal and professional growth.


A welcoming and vibrant coworking space that offers a comfortable and inspiring environment for professionals in Barcelona, besides being located in a convenient area. Loom Coworking provides flexible workspaces including hot desks, dedicated desks, and private offices to suit different needs. Designed with a modern and stylish aesthetic, featuring contemporary furniture, ample natural light, and well-equipped facilities. Loom Coworking offers amenities like meeting rooms, printing services, and a fully stocked kitchen, ensuring that members have everything they need for a productive workday. What sets Loom Coworking apart is its strong sense of community; of course, with a diverse membership base, Loom Coworking fosters connections and collaboration among its members; moreover, they have regular events, workshops, and networking sessions are organized. With these, they are creating opportunities to learn, share ideas, and expand professional networks

Itnig Spaces

Itnig Spaces is a spin-off of the Itnig group. What started in 2013 as a side business, offering open space to external companies became a benchmark of coworking for startups in Barcelona. Over time we have been growing organically and expanding our office spaces. Currently, Itnig Spaces hosts startups like Factorial and Quipu in the offices; however, there are many more to come! We offer different plans that adapt to every type of customer, as well as an event space.

Coworking Poblenou

Yes, there are many more spaces in Poblenou! Nonetheless, we could not fit them all into one list. Even though finding the “perfect” working area might be hard, as you can see, there are many available options. Be sure to consider the key features you want your office to have and go for them. Coworking in Poblenou is as easy as it sounds!

Colors and Productivity: How to Use Them for Efficiency

There are a lot of factors that can affect your productivity. Even the smallest details can become a mental obstacle without having it in mind! Colors, for one, change the way you feel about something. The impact color has is quite considerable, especially at the level of our brain and our emotions. Colors and productivity and linked, and learning how to use them to your advantage is a great way to improve efficiency. Another thing that is key to keep in mind, is that culture also affects the way you understand the world- and colors!

In a working environment, it is important to be as efficient as possible. The goal is to end up enjoying what you do to be more efficient! Having a sense of accomplishment is a key characteristic of humans, and many tools exist to help get there. Several studies show the impact that colors have on many aspects of our lives. For example, the choice of a laundry detergent or a garment.

Colors have symbolic values

Since colors and productivity are connected, it is important to understand their symbolic values. They affect our unconscious, our choices, and sometimes even our actions. For example, you will put twice as many ice cubes in a Coke as in a Pepsi because it will look warmer because of its red color, which reflects the heat.


According to a study conducted by Dr. Nancy Kwallek, Professor of Indoor Environment at the University of Texas, employees working in red environments were more efficient and productive than those working in blue or white environments. This color is normally associated with leaders and power, it makes us feel stronger, and it embodies efficiency and aggressiveness. If you want to be efficient and productive, it is best to work in an environment containing shades of red. Nonetheless, it does not mean exaggerating the use of red; being in a red room is not the point.


On the other hand, a study conducted by Dr. Stephanie Lichtenfeld of the University of Munich found that participants working in a blue environment had greater creative thinking ability than those working in a red environment. Blue is a color that stimulates creativity. It is often associated with serenity and calmness, but it can also be used to encourage innovation. If you need to focus on creative tasks, working in an environment with shades of blue can be beneficial, or using blue elements like writing in a blue-tinted pen.


It is a bright and cheerful color, which can stimulate mood and energy. A study conducted by the University of Stuttgart found that participants working in a yellow environment were more alert and attentive than those working in a white atmosphere. However, too much yellow can be exhausting for the eyes, so just having a yellow ambiance is more than enough!


If you want to focus for a long time, the color green will be your ally. In fact, green helps to concentrate, which is why people tend to love reading on public benches. It is a color associated with calm and serenity. A fun fact is that green is the color from which our eyes perceive the most shades.


Finally, white is often associated with cleanliness, purity, and simplicity. It is an ideal color to create a clean and minimalist workspace. However, mixing it with other colors can make it less striking to the eye; use color accents to break the monotony.

As said before, colors and productivity are linked! It is important to choose colors that correspond to the ambiance you are looking for. If you want to be effective and productive, shades of red can be beneficial. If you want to boost your creativity, blue is a good option. Do not feel overwhelmed, just a hint of colors can work magic. You can even try using colored pens and see how they work. In short, there are as many choices as there are colors!

At Itnig Spaces, the colors are implemented to stimulate every brain! The walls have a warm green which helps with concentration. It is also associated with calmness which is needed in a coworking space! In the Flexroom the predominant color is white. It is highlighted with yellow-toned stones which stimulate mood and energy. The colors of our areas were thought to each and all of our clients a comfortable space that, at the same time, stimulates their minds. We are eager to push your creativeness to achieve great things with Itnig Spaces.