How Series Startup Funding Works: Explained by Phases

One of the critical parts of starting a business is having the capital to back it up. There are many ways of funding startups that can potentially help you that you may not know of. No startup is the same; It is essential to choose the right type of funding, one that adjusts to your own startup – and you! For series startup funding it is essential to understand where your company stands financially and in terms of growth.

To know which one adjusts to your business, you have to think of having a Business Valuation. This will determine the value and worth of your company which is of great impact on investors. It considers the track record, profits unit then and the projected, the risk of investment it represents, market size, etc. Once the valuation is done, startups proceed to the funding rounds. Remember that each business is different and there is no exact timeline for the process!

Series Funding rounds

Funding rounds are a lengthy process with a lot to cover. Most commercial funding comes from outside investment. Which is typically when investors exchange capital for equity in the company.

Funding phases

Pre-Seed Funding

Think of the whole funding process as planting a tree. The pre-seed part is the preparation of the terrain and needed materials. It is the most crucial part and could take years. Funding the start of your company, purchasing the necessary materials, and finding money. Usually, the investment comes from people around you – yourself, parents, friends, and other founders.

Seed Funding

Your startup is starting to sprout and more capital is probably needed at this point. However, it will now come from potential investors who’d like a piece of your company in return – equity. The capital invested is intended to finance R&D. You should use it to research your market, product, and audience while also developing your product and even launching it.

Series A Funding

After sprouting comes growing which is what it is all about from here on! It is the most common to use this funding, which usually comes from investors in private equity firms. Series A funding is normally to expand the products offered, gain a bigger clientele and build a projection or forecast for future years.

Series B Funding

When your tree is already a little sturdy, you water it for fruits. In this funding phase, the capital goes towards growing. The purpose is to have the possibility to boost sales, develop marketing campaigns and implement strategies, have tech development, and nurture as much as possible the customer service.

Series C Funding

At this moment it is common to have big investors such as investment banks and private equity firms. Your tree is blooming and now you focus on keeping it alive and well. The capital would be going towards creating new products, acquiring another business, expanding into new markets, etc.

Series Startup funding and how it works a key knowledge when in need of capital for a project. Every business needs investment, understand it to get the most out of every round!

Social Media for Startups: The Root to Expansion

Social Media has evolved from important to essential for businesses. It is a tool that any organizations must have if it wants to engage with its target audience and if it wants to get well known by a community. It is even more crucial for startups since social media is the best method to get people to know a new brand, therefore through social media startups can increase their customer base. Leveraging this platforms for growth can seem as a tough task but dip your toes in some social media platforms keeping this in mind!

Identify Your Target Audience

It is important to identify your target audience before posting on social media, since you want to create content that attracts potential customers. So you have to identify your potential customer´s needs and any pain points they may have, how much are they willing to pay or sacrifice to buy your product or service. In conclusion, it is important to know your audiences: their attitudes, beliefs, preferences.. so that you can engage with them.

Choose the Right Platforms

Once you have decided what type of content you want to create, you will have to decide in which platforms to post; more graphical or more text descriptive… Also the use behind it is important, whether it is more professional (Linkedin) or more recreative (Instagram). Whether it is you want to publish mostly videos, photos or newsletters; it is important to distinguish the best platforms to do so. Although the bigger the company gets the better it is to be in all platforms to abroad all different types of posting styles.

Create a Content Strategy

Make sure that your brand is reflected in the content you share on social media. A content strategy assists in organizing, producing, and sharing content that connects with your audience and boosts interaction. Your content may include a combination of promotional and educational posts, along with sneak peeks into the culture and personality of your startup. Always consider your personal brand identity and the desired perception others should have of you.

Engage with Your Audience

Interacting with your audience on social media is crucial for establishing a dedicated following because it is a form of two-way communication. Answer quickly to comments and messages, request feedback, and encourage user-generated content. If your audience feels listened to and appreciated, they will probably become loyal customers and supporters.

Measure and Adjust

In order to determine the effectiveness of your social media strategy, it is important to regularly assess your performance. Utilize analytics tools to monitor the extent of your impact, level of interaction, and rate of conversion. Utilize this information for fine-tuning your approach and enhancing your content to achieve the highest possible influence. Understanding that strategies are not flawless and making adjustments is perfectly acceptable. Not everyone understands it the first time around.

Social media serves as an effective tool for new businesses to connect with their desired audience and interact with them. You can achieve your growth goals by leveraging social media through audience identification, platform selection, content strategy creation, audience engagement, and performance measurement. Although it may not work for everyone universally, don’t hesitate to try different methods and modify your approach according to what is effective for you and your business.

Successful Spanish companies that were once startups

If you’re an entrepreneur or aspiring business owner, starting a successful startup can seem like a daunting task. However, many famous and successful Spanish companies started as small startups with limited resources and grew to become household names. These companies prove that with hard work, dedication, and a bit of creativity, anyone can build a successful business from the ground up. Take a look at some of the most successful Spanish companies that started as startups, and explore how they managed to become successful, in the hopes of inspiring and encouraging you to follow in their footsteps.


PDPAOLA is a dream come true for siblings Humberto and Paola. They created the company back in 2014 in Barcelona. PDPAOLA is a contemporary jewelry brand, characterized by its delicate designs, minimalist aesthetic, and use of high-quality materials such as sterling silver and 18K gold vermeil. PDPAOLA draws inspiration from a variety of sources, including art, architecture, and nature, and its collections feature a range of styles from classic to trend-driven. It is the perfect dose of affordable luxury. 


Friends Alex and Bruno created a viral clothing company that is now a lifestyle. They create ready-to-wear clothing and have gained a huge following as being a way of life. They have a perfect mixture of creativeness, comfort, minimalism and elegance making incredible clothing for both men and women. It has been growing as a community since they have created a space of being authentic with no judgment. “By artists, For artists”. Be whoever you can be with them!

Get to know more about them, checkout our podcast where they were guests!


This HR company is one of the startups to watch out for in 2023. The company offers an HR software that allows to optimize and digitalize every process in just one app. Perfect for CEO’s and HHRR managers who want to improve their efficiency. It is the perfect software for big and small companies looking to improve in every possible area. Additionally they are located in the 22@ district in the city at Itnig Spaces. Straight out of Barcelona and still based there, Factorial is growing more than ever! 

La Manso

A contemporary jewelry brand based in Barcelona, Spain, founded by Adriana Manso in 2017. The brand has quickly gained recognition for its avant-garde and unconventional designs, inspired by art and everyday objects. La Manso uses sustainable materials and production processes, such as recycled metals and environmentally friendly packaging. Its bold and colorful pieces have been worn by celebrities like Billie Eilish and Rosalía, and have been featured in publications such as Vogue and Harper’s Bazaar. La Manso also collaborates with artists and designers to create limited edition collections. With a focus on creativity, sustainability, and inclusivity, La Manso is pushing the boundaries of traditional jewelry design.


Heura is a Spanish plant-based food company that offers vegan meat alternatives made from soybeans. Their products are sustainable, healthy, high in protein and fiber, and free from artificial colors, preservatives, and GMOs. Heura’s range includes chicken-style pieces, burgers, and meatballs, as well as sauces and seasonings. They have gained a loyal following and received awards for their innovative approach to plant-based food. It is committed to sustainability and uses renewable energy in its production process.

Get to know more about them checkout our podcast where they were guests!


A Spanish eyewear brand that offers high-quality, stylish sunglasses and prescription glasses at an affordable price. The brand was founded in 2013 by a group of four young entrepreneurs, and quickly gained popularity for its trendy designs and accessible price points. Hawkers has since expanded to offer a wide range of sunglasses styles, including classic aviators, bold oversized frames, and retro round shapes. In addition to its original line of sunglasses, the brand has collaborated with a number of celebrities like Pierre Gasly to create limited edition collections. Hawkers is known for its commitment to sustainability, using recycled materials in its packaging and working with factories that meet ethical labor standards. The brand has a strong social media presence and has leveraged influencer marketing to grow its following. Today, Hawkers has a global reach and is considered one of the most successful eyewear brands in the world.

Get to know more about them checkout our podcast where they were guests!

Starting is the hardest part. At Itnig we aim to push you to thrive and reach your goals. We give you all the tools so you grow in our vibrant community of startups driven by technology and fueled by creativity.

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Networking through coworking as an entrepreneur at Itnig Spaces

networking at Itnig Spaces

An entrepreneur’s biggest asset is it’s network. (Cote, C. 2022). The challenge is having solid and valuable network to help you and your business grow. Networking involves building connections with people who can offer great support, advice, and in some cases, resources. It also includes nurturing these mutually beneficial relationships with potential customers, investors, collaborators, partners, etc. Even if there are multiple ways to network, our favorite is networking through coworking as an entrepreneur.

In the latest years there has been an increase in popularity for the coworking spaces in Spain. Itnig Spaces is a coworking office located in the 22@ district in the city of Barcelona that was born in 2012 and has been growing since then. The company is eager to create a vibrant community empowering entrepreneurs to focus on and achieving their goals. Creating a community ultimately opens networking through coworking to entrepreneurs and startups that are part of Itnig!

Through coworking, entrepreneurs can connect with like-minded individuals who share their goals and ambitions, as well as those who possess complementary skills and expertise. This can lead to valuable collaborations and partnerships that can help entrepreneurs grow their businesses more quickly and effectively. We cannot lie, entrepreneurship can be a challenging journey, and having a network of peers and mentors to lean on can make all the difference. At Itnig we provide the spaces and plans for you to grow as an entrepreneur at the same time as meeting new people.

Networking had never been easier than it is at Itnig Spaces.

TV Shows For Entrepreneurs

Is there such a thing as TV shows for entrepreneurs? As a busy entrepreneur, you probably don’t have a Friends marathon as a priority (no hate intended, we love Friends).  Truth is between work, family, trying to have a social life and maybe even making it to the gym, time is limited for Netflix, HBO, Amazon Prime or whatever it is that you use to watch your favorite series. 

However, we strongly believe that a good tv series can be useful to disconnect for a while and even inspire and motivate you. We came across 6 binge-worthy TV shows for entrepreneurs and the startup community:

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