Improve your Productivity in a Coworking Space

Concentrating is hard, especially when you are in a place where it is common to have overstimulation. It is now normal to work from anywhere since the pandemic. But being productive is not the easiest task. We are sharing our favorite tools to improve your productivity.

IFTTT (If This Then That)

An automation App that makes your life easier. It has 500+ tasks that you can automate. IFTT works well for both personal and work-related tasks. You can automate turning the lights off when you leave home, or social media posting and saving. The App automates any action you want once you set one that triggers it. They just launched 3 AI services:


A Project Management App that makes teams Move Faster. It makes team collaboration as easy as it sounds! Features different team project views that one can personalize to taste because not everyone understands the same way. The App works around Projects & Tasks, Goals, Team Work, Visibility, and Analytics, which means targeting every step of the way.


A digital whiteboard that helps teams do their best at any project. It is a space for your team to work together in coming up with ideas, connecting as a team, making a plan, and coordinating and aligning! The best part is that anyone on the team can be connected and contribute from their own homes.


Tracking time is a tedious job, but not with Toggl. It is software to boost performance and be able to get paid for every billable minute. It also boosts accountability across teams in your company. They have three plans:

  • Toggl plan
  • Toggl Track
  • Toggl Hire

They all have different actions and are recommended by some of the world’s biggest companies!


AI tool that will help you better organize your email! It is compatible with iCloud, Office360, and Gmail. It will learn how to prioritize your emails and will automatically organize your inbox. You will never miss anything important since you will receive daily updates about your inbox.

There are a lot of tools that will help you improve your productivity in a coworking or at home. Even if you’re working digitally you can be efficient with your tasks! Try out these tools and see how they better your productivity.

Itnig Spaces a Coworking Space for Everyone

Itnig Spaces is a Coworking that was born as an idea like every other startup. The goal is to bring flexible and affordable working spaces for everyone and since then, Itnig has been working towards that. We are building a vibrant community of startups, driven by technology and fueled by creativity, always empowering entrepreneurs to focus on their goals. We also have a cafeteria that doubles as a coworking station. It offers specialty coffee from Syra Coffee. Of course, we have benefits so you can fuel your body!

Our plans

Itnig Spaces currently offers multiple plans to fit in with your work style! Whether you are looking for flexibility, privateness, stability, or just occasional days, we have everything.

Hot Desk

With the hot desk choose your place every day. Could it be more flexible than that? Our Hot Desk gives you the chance to choose where you want to work and your view on a daily basis. It is also the perfect chance to network with entrepreneurs around you! You get unlimited coffee from our coffee shop and free entrance to all of our events!

Fixed Desk

Choose the place that you like the best and it’s yours! The Fixed Desk is a perfect fit for people who crave a little more stability and those who do not want to move around; it even includes your own drawer for storage! It is also a great choice for startups or small companies so your team can always be together. You get unlimited coffee from our coffee shop and free entrance to all of our events!

10-Day Punch Pass

If you only want to come a few days a week to your new office, this punch pass is essential! You pay for 9 days and get one free. These 10 passes can be used in a time span of 6 months but if you use them in less it also works! You can get them in this link and come work in any of our spaces. The best part: get one free coffee every day you come

Day Pass

If you want to come for a day or an afternoon, our day pass is ideal! Buy it online and you can even come the same day. It fits perfectly with digital nomads who are only here for a day or two and are in need of a working area. It is as affordable as can be and even includes one free drink at the café!

Coming Soon: Private Offices

Recently renovated and catered especially to your company’s needs we will now offer private offices. Our private offices adapt to the needs of your team including time; long-term or short-term are both available. We renovate offices on demand, depending on your necessities and budget. Just tell us what you need!

Besides all of our plans, we are a pet-friendly coworking space! We are also bike friendly and enjoy new ideas and creativity. It is a space to be as authentic as can be.

Itnig Spaces, a coworking for you.

Pet Friendly Coworking Spaces in Barcelona

Barcelona is a beautiful city that offers a lot to its residents and visitors. However, it’s not just the city’s attractions gaining popularity – pet-friendly coworking spaces are also rising. More and more pet owners are looking for ways to bring their furry friends to work so the demand for pet-friendly coworking spaces in Barcelona is rapidly increasing.

MOB (Makers of Barcelona)

Makers of Barcelona has got you covered with two pet-friendly coworking spaces – MOB Bailén in the Eixample neighborhood and MOB Caterina in Born. Their pet-friendly coworking spaces offer a welcoming environment for your furry friend. They also provide you with all the necessary amenities to remain productive. Situated in prime locations in the city, they are both easily accessible. In addition to being pet-friendly, both offer all the necessary amenities to keep you productive, including high-speed internet, printing and scanning facilities, phone booths, and meeting rooms.

One Co-Work

It has 3 different locations throughout the center of the city. Close to Plaça Cataluña and the Barcelona Cathedra, One co-work welcomes your dog! They know how dogs bring joy and happiness not only to their owners but to everyone around. Of course to maintain order they like to enforce simple rules. Although the rules are simple, they can make all the difference when having dogs in the office. They offer an incredible ambiance on the more rustic-ish side. The one in Plaça Cataluña has an incredible terrace with amazing views of the city.

Itnig Spaces

It is a Coworking in the 22@ neighborhood in Barcelona. We welcome freelancers, startups, entrepreneurs, and furry friends! We also have the Itnig Café which offers unlimited Specialty coffee for all coworkers. The 22@ neighborhood is a booming area in the city which attracts, especially, tech lovers but, of course, everyone is welcome! We are home to a variety of startups, while also hosting incredible events for everyone! One of our coworking areas doubles as an event space that can be rented for hours. Any information is available on our web, but if you have more doubts, send us an email!

Not everyone is a dog-lover! Find the right office for you and your furry friend. We believe dogs are part of the family and here, at Itnig Spaces we care about every single member!

Capital Funding for Startups; Non-Series Funding

In terms of financing your startup, it is crucial to understand the capital funding available for startups. There are a lot of ways to fund your startup and finding one that fits you best is key.


Self-funding a startup is when the startup founder(s) invest their own capital fund or find other ways of funding without the involvement of a third party.


It is the practice of using your own funds to finance your startup venture. Bootstrapping can be utilized in various stages of your startup! For example, you can use your own savings to build your business and when you already have an established company, you can re-invest the revenue into the company’s growth. One of bootstrapping’s most attractive features is the fact that you have complete control of your startup since there is no exchange of capital for equity. On the other hand, it is more likely for the startup to have a slower growth rate at the beginning while the founder(s) take a bigger financial risk.


Bartering is an exchange of goods and services without the exchange of money. It is a way of funding your startup since you can reduce costs by exchanging, for instance, your service in return for the lending of a local. In addition, is necessary to know the monetary value of your services before exchanging them for it to be a fair trade between parties. This method helps startups to reduce costs and expenses; nonetheless, it also means having to provide, in some cases, more services than expected.

Credit Cards

Using personal credit cards to fund a startup is a recurring practice but the biggest downside is having high-interest rates. To do it, make sure you first know the amount of interest you would have to pay, as well as the penalties and repayment plans you get.

Angel Investors

Angel investors are high-net-worth individuals who provide financial backing to entrepreneurs and startups. This type of investor usually looks for riskier ventures mostly in their starting stages and is interested in a high ROI (Return On Investment). They are also on the lookout for interesting and feasible opportunities. In some cases, the Angel Investor is part of the founder’s closest circle of family and friends who make a one-time investment.


Crowdfunding means having involvement in some digital platforms. These platforms can have a global reach to potential investors. for your early-stage startup that seeks a part of your equity. To go more in-depth on crowdfunding check this out!

Venture Capitalists

On opposite ends of angel investors, Venture Capitalists, usually referred to as VCs, are private equity investors that provide capital to companies. VCs want a high growth potential in exchange for an equity stake. They tend to find young businesses with a high potential for growth and development. Additionally, VCs are known to normally invest through a firm.

Incubators & Accelerators

Both incubators and accelerators have a thorough applying process. When looking be sure to look into the network and mentors that can be found in the chosen solution. As far as timelines, accelerators have a set one while incubators do not. Above all be sure to join the one that fits your specific needs. Ask yourself where your startup is in terms of growth since that could determine the best choice for you.

As can be seen, there are many different paths to finance a startup. Notwithstanding, there are more solutions that are not mentioned! Do your research on capital funding to know which one works best for your situation. Furthermore, always keep in mind what you feel most comfortable with.

How Series Startup Funding Works: Explained by Phases

One of the critical parts of starting a business is having the capital to back it up. There are many ways of funding startups that can potentially help you that you may not know of. No startup is the same; It is essential to choose the right type of funding, one that adjusts to your own startup – and you! For series startup funding it is essential to understand where your company stands financially and in terms of growth.

To know which one adjusts to your business, you have to think of having a Business Valuation. This will determine the value and worth of your company which is of great impact on investors. It considers the track record, profits unit then and the projected, the risk of investment it represents, market size, etc. Once the valuation is done, startups proceed to the funding rounds. Remember that each business is different and there is no exact timeline for the process!

Series Funding rounds

Funding rounds are a lengthy process with a lot to cover. Most commercial funding comes from outside investment. Which is typically when investors exchange capital for equity in the company.

Funding phases

Pre-Seed Funding

Think of the whole funding process as planting a tree. The pre-seed part is the preparation of the terrain and needed materials. It is the most crucial part and could take years. Funding the start of your company, purchasing the necessary materials, and finding money. Usually, the investment comes from people around you – yourself, parents, friends, and other founders.

Seed Funding

Your startup is starting to sprout and more capital is probably needed at this point. However, it will now come from potential investors who’d like a piece of your company in return – equity. The capital invested is intended to finance R&D. You should use it to research your market, product, and audience while also developing your product and even launching it.

Series A Funding

After sprouting comes growing which is what it is all about from here on! It is the most common to use this funding, which usually comes from investors in private equity firms. Series A funding is normally to expand the products offered, gain a bigger clientele and build a projection or forecast for future years.

Series B Funding

When your tree is already a little sturdy, you water it for fruits. In this funding phase, the capital goes towards growing. The purpose is to have the possibility to boost sales, develop marketing campaigns and implement strategies, have tech development, and nurture as much as possible the customer service.

Series C Funding

At this moment it is common to have big investors such as investment banks and private equity firms. Your tree is blooming and now you focus on keeping it alive and well. The capital would be going towards creating new products, acquiring another business, expanding into new markets, etc.

Series Startup funding and how it works a key knowledge when in need of capital for a project. Every business needs investment, understand it to get the most out of every round!