Networking through coworking as an entrepreneur at Itnig Spaces

networking at Itnig Spaces

An entrepreneur’s biggest asset is it’s network. (Cote, C. 2022). The challenge is having solid and valuable network to help you and your business grow. Networking involves building connections with people who can offer great support, advice, and in some cases, resources. It also includes nurturing these mutually beneficial relationships with potential customers, investors, collaborators, partners, etc. Even if there are multiple ways to network, our favorite is networking through coworking as an entrepreneur.

In the latest years there has been an increase in popularity for the coworking spaces in Spain. Itnig Spaces is a coworking office located in the 22@ district in the city of Barcelona that was born in 2012 and has been growing since then. The company is eager to create a vibrant community empowering entrepreneurs to focus on and achieving their goals. Creating a community ultimately opens networking through coworking to entrepreneurs and startups that are part of Itnig!

Through coworking, entrepreneurs can connect with like-minded individuals who share their goals and ambitions, as well as those who possess complementary skills and expertise. This can lead to valuable collaborations and partnerships that can help entrepreneurs grow their businesses more quickly and effectively. We cannot lie, entrepreneurship can be a challenging journey, and having a network of peers and mentors to lean on can make all the difference. At Itnig we provide the spaces and plans for you to grow as an entrepreneur at the same time as meeting new people.

Networking had never been easier than it is at Itnig Spaces.

Vocabulary startup guide: The startup key terms every founder and entrepreneur should know

Diccionary of startup key terms
Startup key terms

Being familiar with key startup terms is a must for every founder and entrepreneur nowadays. It is really possible that you have already heard or read these words on the news or talking with colleges. The fact is that new vocabulary is being introduced into the business atmosphere since the startup market is growing faster than ever.

A lot of new vocabulary is arising, and to make it easier for you to really understand it and be capable of naturally using it in your daily business routine, we have gathered all those startup key terms in one article.

If you want to learn more about what is a startup and its stages before deepening on the startup key terms, you can read our article: How to raise funding for startups.

Continue reading “Vocabulary startup guide: The startup key terms every founder and entrepreneur should know”

What is crowdfunding and how does it work?

What is crowdfunding?
What is crowdfunding?

What is crowdfunding? Like many others, crowdfunding is a funding/investment tool used by many people around the world. Nowadays, it has become very popular among startup founders. When starting a project, it is difficult to obtain external financing, and crowdfunding is a good solution to that problem. Early stages are always the most difficult ones regarding the economic situation of the business, but you can learn about how to raise funding for your startup by reading our article.

Going back to crowdfunding, it is very likely that the term sounds familiar to you, but what exactly is it about? Crowdfunding platforms allow people from all over the world to contribute their money to all those projects they have found interesting. You could say that these small investors are like micro-sponsors.

Continue reading “What is crowdfunding and how does it work?”

Startup Q&A Session with Brant Cooper, author of “The Lean Entrepreneur”

Brant Cooper, the author of The New York Times Bestseller “The Lean Entrepreneur”, gave an insightful startup Q&A session at Itnig.

Brant Cooper about startups
Brant Cooper Q&A session at Itnig

Brant answers the following questions:

  • What does ‘brand’ mean for a startup?
  • How can a startup find its market segment?
  • Should a startup focus on a large market or a niche market?
  • How should a startup scale?
  • How can a startup get more users?
  • The problems of launching a product without being prepared
Continue reading “Startup Q&A Session with Brant Cooper, author of “The Lean Entrepreneur””